Brazil Smarter Manufacturing

Stellantis' Factory Booster Day: Collaborative Innovation for Smarter Manufacturing

Stellantis, a global automotive leader, recently hosted its eighth annual Factory Booster Day, a testament to the company's commitment to collaborative innovation and continuous improvement in manufacturing. This event serves as a platform for Stellantis and its partners to address challenges, enhance production processes, and work towards achieving the ambitious goals outlined in the Dare Forward 2030 strategic plan.

The Essence of Factory Booster Day:

Factory Booster Day embodies Stellantis' core value of "We Win Together," bringing together manufacturing and technical experts, as well as 64 suppliers and startups from around the world. This collaborative effort aims to explore innovative solutions that can contribute to reducing CO2 emissions, enhancing product quality, optimizing costs, and ultimately, elevating the customer experience.

Open Challenge Process:

At the heart of Stellantis' smart manufacturing approach lies the Open Challenge process. This process involves the identification of 35 specific challenges by Stellantis' global manufacturing facilities, aligning with the company's strategic objectives. Stellantis then extends an "open call" to current and potential future partners, including suppliers, startups, and universities, inviting them to propose their innovative solutions.

The Showcase of Innovations:

The culmination of this process took place at the 2023 Factory Booster Day event in Betim, Brazil. Here, 99 of the most promising solutions were presented by selected companies. In addition to the physical event, a metaverse platform enabled virtual participation, allowing manufacturing teams from around the world to view presentations and demonstrations.

From Pilot Test to Global Deployment:

Plant managers who identify solutions with potential are empowered to initiate pilot tests. The results of these tests are meticulously reviewed by an Innovation Committee, led by engineering and plant leadership. Once validated, successful solutions are integrated into Stellantis plants worldwide.

Examples of Adopted Innovations:

Some of the innovations previously adopted by Stellantis manufacturing plants include:

  1. High-tech welding of short flanges on vehicle doors, enhancing quality, stability, and cost-effectiveness compared to laser welding.

  2. Advanced computer vision tools for assembling parts on a moving assembly line, providing cost-effective tracking capabilities.

  3. Real-time energy use measurement and management with cloud-based analytics, enabling proactive energy usage management and anomaly detection.

Aligning with Dare Forward 2030 Goals:

All challenges explored during Factory Booster Day contribute to the realization of Stellantis' Dare Forward 2030 strategic plan:

  1. Achieving carbon neutrality by 2038, with single-digit percentage compensation of remaining emissions.

  2. Reducing production costs by 40% by 2030 through the deployment of automation, digital solutions, and artificial intelligence.

  3. Enhancing product quality with optimized defect detection, delivering an industry-leading customer experience.

  4. Establishing a great work environment, focusing on ergonomics, health preservation, safety, diversity, and inclusion.


Factory Booster Day exemplifies Stellantis' dedication to collaborative innovation and smart manufacturing. By fostering partnerships and exploring cutting-edge solutions, Stellantis continues to drive progress towards its ambitious Dare Forward 2030 goals, ultimately benefitting both the company and its valued customers.


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